If I had to sum it up in one word?...
Yes I know who you remind me of
A girl I think I used to know
Yes I'd see her when the day got colder
On those days when it felt like snow

You know I even think that she stared like you
She used to just stand there and stare
And roll her eyes right up to heaven
And make like I just wasn't there

And she used to fall down a lot
That girl was always falling
Again and again
And I used to sometimes try to catch her
But I never even caught her name

New Year's Eve was as boring as heaven, I watched flies fuck on channel 11,
There was no one to kiss, there was nothing to drink,
Except some old rotten milk someone left in the sink,
And there's no ring on the phone anymore,
There's no reason to call I passed out on the floor,
Smoked myself stupid and drank my insides raisin dry.